
App Store 上由Michael Sayman 開發的App

下載由Michael Sayman 開發的App,包括「Playback」、「The Waiting Game」、「lies」等。

Michael Sayman

Michael Arthur Sayman (born August 24, 1996), is a Peruvian–Bolivian–American mobile application entrepreneur, software engineer, political activist, ...

Michael Sayman (@michaelsayman) X

Building friendly apps. ✨ 10+ yrs in tech. Formerly built product @facebook @instagram @google @roblox. Author of “App Kid”

Michael Sayman (@michaelsayman)

Building friendly apps. Used to build stuff at FB, Google, Roblox, IG. I love people, stories, and orange chicken. ... Photo by Michael Sayman on May 15, 2021.

Michael Sayman

An inspiring and deeply personal memoir from one of the most extraordinary entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, who taught himself how to code as a thirteen-year- ...

Michael Sayman Apps on the App Store

Download apps by Michael Sayman, including Playback, The Waiting Game, lies and many more.

Michael Sayman

Michael Sayman is the 18-year-old founder of 4 Snaps, public speaker, and software engineer at Facebook.


下載由MichaelSayman開發的App,包括「Playback」、「TheWaitingGame」、「lies」等。,MichaelArthurSayman(bornAugust24,1996),isaPeruvian–Bolivian–Americanmobileapplicationentrepreneur,softwareengineer,politicalactivist, ...,Buildingfriendlyapps.✨10+yrsintech.Formerlybuiltproduct@facebook@instagram@[email protected]“AppKid”,Buildingfriendlyapps.UsedtobuildstuffatFB,Google,Roblox,IG.Ilovepeople,...